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if you’re not happy say it
不高兴就说啊  detail>>
say you say you
说你说我  detail>>
易说堂  detail>>
happy to you
七男子拖入森林  detail>>
if you are happy
如果你很快乐 如果你快乐 如果你幸福 如果您快乐 说哈 在快乐的时候  detail>>
of you are happy
如果你快乐  detail>>
say you say me
你一言我一语 说你,就我 说你,说我 [白夜 说你说我 《白夜》主题曲 说我说我 谈论你我 我俩共勉 我一语  detail>>
say you,say me
(说你,说我) 莱昂内尔.里奇 呼唤你,呼唤我 说你说我 说你,说我 电影《白夜》插曲 说您,说我  detail>>
you say i say
你我观点 幸运留言  detail>>
say you will
说你会  detail>>
you say
你说过  detail>>
the day that you say ,say that you say
你说的那天, 说你说过的话 您说的天,, 说您说  detail>>
if you are happy and you know it
如果你认识他就说哈罗  detail>>
yes you will, say you will
是的,你就是,说吧你就是,你知道  detail>>
say what you have to say
你要说什么就说什么  detail>>
so what you say, what you say
所以你说了什么,说了什么  detail>>
the day that you say ,say that you stay
你会说,你会留下来 你说留下的那一天  detail>>
if you’re happy and you know it
假如你开心 你就记住它 如果你很开心  detail>>